ILEvator can be installed in various ways with more or less effort depending on the choice.

From Source

The prerequisites for building ILEvator from source are at least IBM i OS release 7.3, access to the IFS of your IBM i server, ILE C and RPG compiler and gmake.

gmake can be installed via yum.

If all prerequisites are met you can either download or clone the Git repository to your IBM i server.

You start building the project just be executing gmake. By default the library ILEVATOR will be created and all objects will be placed in that library.

Build Options

You can change the target library by passing the parameter BIN_LIB to the gmake command.


By default the project will be built for the current release of the system. You can specify the target release version by passing the parameter TARGET_RLS to the gmake command.


No compile listing will be output to the console during the build. To get a compile listing you need to pass the parameter OUTPUT to the gmake command.


If the module and service program needs to be rebuilt you can pass the target ext (for building all external dependencies) and compile to the gmake command.

gmake ext compile

Single modules can be compiled by passing the module file name to the gmake command.

gmake request.rpgmod

For just building the service program execute the target ilevator.srvpgm.


But you don’t need to build the service program by yourself. There is already a prepackaged version of ILEvator available at the iPKG RPM repository at

You just need to download the [iPKG client] and follow the instructions at

First create the library to you want to install ILEvator into. Just execute the install command for installing ILEvator.

ipkg install ilevator

This will install ILEvator in the default library IPKG. To specify another library just add the parameter IPKGLIB.

ipkg install ilevator ipkglib(MY_IV_LIB)

The copybooks can also be installed with iPKG.

ipkg install 'ilevator-devel'

The copybooks are packaged as stream files. By default the install command will try to install them in /usr/local/include in the IFS. You can change the target location by passing the location as a parameter.

ipkg install 'ilevator-devel' loc('/home/mihael/include')