ILEvator sets the minimal HTTP headers needed for the request. But you can add additional custom headers as needed. Headers can also be set multiple times. Generally the last one wins (though some headers are only allowed once like Host, Content-Length, Upgrade or Authorization).

Porcelain API

When using the porcelain API like iv_get or iv_post you can add additional headers by passing a list of headers as a parameter to to procedure call.

dcl-s headers pointer;

headers = iv_buildList(
    'accept-language' : 'dk,de;q=0.5' :
    'authentication' : 'Bearer my_token'

string = iv_get('http://localhost' : IV_MEDIA_TYPE_JSON : headers);

The headers list is built dynamically and as such allocates memory dynamically. This memory must be freed manually by calling iv_freeList.


Low Level API

The low level API supports setting HTTP headers global for that HTTP client instance. Those HTTP headers will be added to each HTTP request made with this client instance, see iv_addHeader and iv_addHeaders.

dcl-proc main;
    dcl-s httpClient pointer;
    dcl-s buffer varchar(65000:4) ccsid(1208);
    dcl-s headers pointer;
    headers = iv_buildList(
        'accept-language' : 'dk,de;q=0.5' :
        'authentication'  : 'Bearer my_token'
    httpClient = iv_newHttpClient();
    iv_addHeaders(httpClient : headers);
    iv_setResponseDataBuffer(httpClient : %addr(buffer) : %size(buffer) : IV_VARCHAR4 : IV_CCSID_UTF8);

    iv_execute(httpClient : 'GET' : 'http://localhost');
    if (iv_getStatus(httpClient) = IV_HTTP_OK);
        // everything ok
        // not ok


Headers can also be passed to the iv_execute procedure call. These headers will be appended after the headers previously set on the HTTP client instance.

dcl-proc main;
    dcl-s httpClient pointer;
    dcl-s buffer varchar(65000:4) ccsid(1208);
    dcl-s headers pointer;
    headers = iv_buildList(
        'accept-language' : 'dk,de;q=0.5' :
        'authentication'  : 'Bearer my_token'
    httpClient = iv_newHttpClient();
    iv_setResponseDataBuffer(httpClient : %addr(buffer) : %size(buffer) : IV_VARCHAR4 : IV_CCSID_UTF8);

    iv_execute(httpClient : 'GET' : 'http://localhost' : headers);
    if (iv_getStatus(httpClient) = IV_HTTP_OK);
        // everything ok
        // not ok


Note: The headers list is built dynamically and as such allocates memory dynamically. This memory must be freed manually by calling iv_freeList.

Dynamic Header List

The list can be created with iv_buildList. You can create an empty list or fill the list with initial values. The list is not immutable. You can add values to the list by calling iv_addHeaderToList.

    dcl-s headers pointer;
    headers = iv_buildList();
    iv_addHeaderToList(headers : 'accept-language' : 'dk,de;q=0.5');
    iv_addHeaderToList(headers : 'authentication' : 'Bearer my_token');

    string = iv_get('http://localhost' : IV_MEDIA_TYPE_JSON : headers);


Request Handler

You can also hook yourself into the flow of a request and modify the request, f. e. add a header. This can be done with a request handler. The handler is implemented as a data structure with a subfield processRequest which contains the pointer to the function which will be called by ILEvator to intercept and process the request.

dcl-ds requestHandler_t qualified template;
    processRequest pointer(*proc);

The process procedure has a predefined procedure interface which needs to be implemented.

dcl-pi *n;
    handler pointer value;
    request pointer value;

So a procedure to add a header could look like this:

dcl-proc addCustomHeader export;
    dcl-pi *n;
        handler pointer value;
        request pointer value;

    dcl-ds requestHandler likeds(requestHandler_t) based(handler);

    iv_request_addHeader(request : 'X-Custom-Header' : 'Value 123');

Inside the process procedure you can use the request API of ILEvator to modify the request before it is sent to the server.

Last but not least you need to set the pointer to your process procedure in the handler data structure.

dcl-ds requestHandler likeds(requestHandler_t) inz;

requestHandler.processRequest = %paddr(addCustomHeader);

And before you are making your first call you need to register the request handler at the HTTP client instance.

iv_setRequestHandler(httpClient : %addr(requestHandler));

Now on each request addCustomHeader will be called and each request will have the HTTP header X-Custom-Header.